In Conversation with Anais Gallager
Grab your glass of wine & read on for our next Five Minutes with Fella interview, where we virtually sit down with the women who inspire us, and talk about things that are inspiring them, from home. This week we speak with one of our favourite UK Fella Muses, Anaïs Gallagher — keen photographer and daughter of legendary rocker, Noel Gallagher. Anaïs wears the Abraham Top + Marlon Bottom in Nyidbarriya. Imagery by Anaïs Gallagher.
1. Where are you based? Where are you from?
London born and bred baby.

2. What does the notion of 'home' mean to you?
Home to me, is somewhere you can exist in solitude drinking a cup of tea reading a book and then the very next day sit around a table eating lots of great food, entertaining family and friends. It’s the combination of both, that makes a home so special.
3. Where in the world is your favourite place to swim?
A little spot on the Jurassic coast in England. You have to abseil down some rocks to get there.

4. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Somewhere in Northern Italy, Circa 1983.
Long lunches that turn into dinners, hot sun kissed skin under warm showers, and ready salted Lays with Fanta lemon.