In Conversation with Nina Fitzgerald
Nina Fitzgerald is a proud Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander woman whose family hails from Kakadu, the Torres Strait Islands and the Wuthathi people of Shelbourne Bay in Far North Queensland. Her work spans the fashion and creative sectors with roles in Creative Direction, curation and writing. Most recently, our founder Rosie (and good friends with Nina!) caught up with her in Darwin, so we managed to grab Nina for a quick chat to find out more about her line of work, her local favourites + her life behind the scenes.
1. You’re a Darwin local ... tell us about yourself. What do you do?
I was born and raised in Darwin, engulfed in the freedom of the laidback tropical lifestyle. It is truly is a treasure of Australia - ridiculous in its randomness, exceptional in its beauty. And amongst an incredibly diverse melting pot of cultures from around the globe, it is also connected so closely to largely intact and diverse Indigenous populations and cultures. You unlearn everything up here - to relearn, learn and keep learning.
I really love this place. I admire the beauty of both the people and the places - it’s so diverse with so much colour and movement. There’s truly no place as wild or wonderful the world over, and I feel incredibly lucky to be leading the life I am right now.
I am a Creative Director, working in the arts and fashion, across a range of local and interstate projects. I spend lots of time in remote communities working with incredible artists and young people (some of the most beautiful and untouched places this country has) and really enjoy bringing this creative ingenuity and knowledge into the fold of lots of the work I do. I am really grateful to be leading the life I am right now.

2. What are you currently working on?
I just opened a gallery in Darwin — Laundry Gallery! We have refurbed a 70s laundromat into a fresh multi-disciplinary art space. We are just lining up some incredible exhibitions for the remainder of the year and next year — watch this space!
I am also curating a fashion capsule for Melbourne Fashion Week in October — Past. Present. Future. Fashion. The whole concept considers ancient Aboriginal weaving techniques in the context of contemporary fashion. I am so excited to bring it to life!

3. Favourite activities to do in Darwin?
In the dry season — cliff jumping on the high tide at sunrise or sunset, crab linguine cooked on the beach over the fire, adventures to our backyard of Kakadu or Litchfield! In the wet season — watching the storm clouds roll in over the harbour, enjoying said storms from my deck.

4. What are you currently reading or listening to?
I love Radio FIP Paris! Reading "Truth Telling" by Henry Reynolds.
5. Favourite Fella swimsuit of the season?
Currently, I love the Cactus green Casanova Top and Chad Bottoms!